Transport electrification: how is the transport sector coping with the transition to electric vehicles?
From 2035, the sale of combustion engine vehicles will be banned in the European Union. Representatives of the logistics industry are quickly adapting to this new challenge, as this is what their customers and business partners expect.
“DSC GoGreen 2050” strategy a priority for DHL
DHL is setting ambitious targets with regard to electric vehicles. As part of its “DSC GoGreen 2050” strategy, the carrier plans to switch to zero-emission transport by 2050.
Implementation of the strategy is progressing according to plan. An example? In March, new Volvo electric trucks were presented in Żerniki near Poznań and incorporated into the Polish supply chain. In the nearest future, the company intends to spend over USD 7 billion for this and similar purposes![1]
InPost sets an example
Another example from Poland. InPost, Poland’s leading courier company, already has a fleet of several hundred electric vans used to delivering parcels to its lockers. The carrier intends to promote green transport among drivers.
Together with GreenWay, the company has committed to creating a nationwide network of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations by the end of the year. So far, InPost has set up similar stations located near parcel machines and logistics centres with its own drivers in mind.[2]
DPD recognises the potential of cargo bikes
DPD does not stop at electric trucks and vans. The carrier already invested in a fleet of electric cargo bikes last year, which went to 14 of the courier’s city branches, where they are proving their worth in last-mile logistics.
The company boasts that the vehicles delivered nearly 740,000 parcels to customers in their first year of operation. The release also jokingly reports 11 inner tube punctures. We wish DPD that it can continue to use the bikes for another year without any problems![3]
The green revolution in the courier industry is happening right in front of us.
[1] https://www.dhl.com/pl-en/home/press/press-archive/2023/europes-first-multimodal-solution-involving-electric-trucks-under-the-colours-of-the-polish-dhl-supply-chain.html
[2] https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/06/17/polish-delivery-giant-inpost-to-create-network-of-electric-vehicle-charging-stations/
[3] https://www.dpd.com/pl/pl/2023/06/02/doreczenia-przyjazne-mieszkancom-i-srodowisku-dpd-polska-rozwija-flote-rowerow-cargo/