The use of artificial intelligence in transport
The dynamically developing AI technology is entering other areas of the economy. As one of the foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it allows you to perform many processes faster, cheaper and safer. In this article, we briefly discuss the use of artificial intelligence in transport!
How is artificial intelligence used in transport?
Today, AI solutions are commonly used primarily in the field of broadly understood automation. Artificial intelligence in transport is designed to facilitate everyday work, shortening the time of performing individual duties or even completely replacing people in them.
Modern applications supporting forwarders, logistics operators and drivers are very popular. Real-time tools that calculate ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) are popular, estimating the actual time of arrival at a given point. They collect the necessary data and analyse it to offer the best forecast. On this basis, you can effectively plan loading and unloading.
Artificial intelligence also directly supports the drivers themselves. So far, the applications used facilitate communication or completing simple tasks (e.g. formalities), but over time they are to become more intelligent assistants. Solutions are already emerging that plan routes in detail (taking into account stops and stopovers, as well as potentially risky sections and other hazards) to make the journey as safe and cost-effective as possible.
Data analysis systems that collect and process information in real time are also being developed. Thanks to them, it is possible to better manage the fleet, reducing costs, reducing risk and undermining the quality of services provided.
Is AI the future of logistics?
According to the PwC report, the first autonomous vehicles will become popular in about 5 years, and unmanned trucks will appear on the roads in 2030. These forecasts raise many controversies related to a large dose of distrust towards artificial intelligence, especially in crisis situations. Its judgement may be questionable and it may be vulnerable to hacking attacks, for example.
Everything indicates that there will be no revolution in the coming years, but vehicles will certainly become more and more autonomous, so that the role of humans will be limited to the necessary minimum.