Logistics is getting closer to going paperless
Using conventional documents is not only time-consuming and inconvenient – it is also unsafe and unsustainable. More and more sectors are trying to implement the paperless policy. We will discuss the situation in the logistics sector!
Why should logistics go paperless?
Time is critical in logistics – all parties want the goods to be delivered as soon as possible. Each successive link in the supply chain involves many formalities. It takes a long time to complete them all using conventional methods, which is why many different solutions have been created to digitise and automate the preparation and exchange of documents. Unfortunately, many documents are still used in paper form, e.g., consignment notes, external issue documents or pallet receipts.
Surveys conducted by GS1 Poland[1] showed that out of almost 30 thousand participants (manufacturers, logistics service providers, chain stores, etc.), 70% want to take part in the Paperless Project. So far, this has not translated into any actual actions.
The Paperless Project – how is paper use reduced in logistics?
The Paperless Project initiated in the middle of 2021 is based on standardised digital documents – the DESADV system, which includes many different electronic EDI messages. This can eliminate paper documentation, automating and streamlining the flow of goods and documents.
Thanks to the Paperless Project:
- the accounting and payment process is quicker and shorter,
- the delivery process is initiated faster,
- manufacturers and suppliers can sooner notify the customers of any difficulties and take adequate action,
- manufacturers and suppliers can better predict their orders and adapt the availability of products in a flexible manner,
- delivery queues are shortened, enabling more effective planning of unloading operations,
- costs of document printing are eliminated,
- the amount of waste and negative environmental impact are reduced.
Activities in the logistics industry aimed at switching to the paperless model to streamline costs and processes are not only cost-efficient and convenient – they have become a necessity today.
[1] Source: https://logistyka.rp.pl/produkty-i-uslugi/art19138821-dostawy-bez-papierowych-dokumentow.