One of the key factors for the e-commerce industry is efficient logistics. The final delivery process, known as the last mile, is particularly important. How do you optimise this crucial final part of the customer journey?
You can find the answer in the presentation “Effective Management of the Last Mile in E-commerce” from the ICAN e-Commerce Trends Summit 2023 which took place on 14th of September. Marcin Susmanek, COO and Board Member of Alsendo, presented our solutions for businesses that facilitate shipping and post-sales processes. Marcin also gave some tips on how to improve the efficiency of shipping processes while maintaining the highest standards of service across multiple touchpoints and using the latest technological solutions.
“By 2025, a company that offers a unified shopping experience by seamlessly moving customers through different paths will see at least a 20% increase in total revenue,” according to Marcin.
He offered suggestions for facilitating the management of shipping processes across different sales channels, as well as how to build positive relationships with end customers, improve efficiency in the returns process, and ultimately increase buyer satisfaction and e-commerce sales itself.
You can watch the full presentation below:
We would like to thank everyone who joined us during the live broadcast – we managed to get 734 people in front of their screens! The audience found Marcin’s speech both substantive and inspiring.